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10:47am 09-06-2007
Nikki Worth
What you have to offer if great - and so helpful. I have a personal interest in the transits and would like to be able to see the arc of global visibility for previous transits, perhaps back to 181CE. Can you help me with this?
9:39am 09-06-2007
Hey meneer
Het is een goede site, hoewel ik er niets van snap ziet het er wel goed uit. U heeft er ook lang aan gewerkt.
Nou doei,
8:25am 07-10-2007
N. Rathnasree
This is a wonderful website. I myself have a very keen interest in history and feel that this is the kind of website related to the history of Transit of Venus observations that I would have liked to make. Thank you for making so much of interesting information available.

5:56pm 05-11-2007
S Richardson
I was surprised to see that the website identified my location immediately without any input. How does it do that?
1:59pm 03-26-2007
+1 enjoy history too
9:31am 03-10-2007
James Burks
Wonderful job! I really enoyed the history.
7:26pm 02-23-2007
Hi, i actually live in Ivy cottage, in Salford. very pleased to see our little home is of interest and of some fame
m7 2hh (google earth)
2:37pm 02-13-2007
S van Boxel
Thank you so much for this amazing resource about the transit of Venus!

Ciao! Sebass
11:25pm 01-03-2007
Jerry Grover
An excellent resource - well done.
4:32pm 05-28-2006
Het ziet er weer prachtig uit! Mooie, heldere website. Ik hoop dat er nog veel mensen komen kijken en dat het speelkaartmysterie wordt opgelost!
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